Pickups By Appointment

Howdy folks! As the season gets busier, this one man show will be on the move. Pickups during the busy season will done by appointment after you place your orders online. Thank you! Eldorado Farmer’s Market Starts Friday May 24th. We’ll be there every...

Lunch, Pickups, Santa Fe Brewing

Hot lunch on sunny weekdays at Rufina location, 11 – 1 Order online in advance and pickup 11 – 1 weekdays Hot Food this Friday and Saturday nights at Santa Fe Brewing Company locations, starting at 4 pm: Friday 4/19, Eldorado Taphouse Saturday 4/20! The...
Regular Business Hours on Weekdays

Regular Business Hours on Weekdays

We will now be open from 11 am to 1 pm on weekdays for take-home order pickups, and advance hot food orders. Daily hot lunches starting in May.
Pickups available Friday this week

Pickups available Friday this week

Hello friends! Uncle DT will be in Taos this Wednesday and Thursday, so the only remaining pickups for this week will be on Friday. At Rufina from 2 pm – 3 pm, and in Eldorado from 4-5 pm. Thanks a lot, and see you at the Brakeroom on Saturday...

Called Away

Uncle DT had to go back to MI for a family funeral, but will be back in the kitchen and open for business Wednesday, April 3rd. Thanks everyone